The Five Types of Alcoholics California

In addition, 17% seek substance addiction treatment at private facilities. Most functional alcoholics are middle-aged (around 41) who started drinking around age 18. Unlike young adult 5 types of alcoholics alcoholics, antisocial alcoholics don’t drink socially with peers. Instead, antisocial alcoholics drink alone and typically struggle with co-occurring mental health problems.

Nearly 50 percent have a family history of alcoholism, and co-occurring mental illness is prevalent. Approximately half suffer from clinical depression, and about 1 in 5 has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intermediate familial alcoholics are more likely to be male and have a job. Most are smokers, and 20 to 25 percent have also used cocaine and marijuana. The chronic severe subtype is the smallest but most severe of all the categories of alcoholism.

Seeking Treatment for Alcoholism

More severe cases of Antisocial personality disorder are sometimes considered psychopaths. Alcoholic or not, it is important to suggest that they receive help for their personality disorder as well as alcohol addiction. Therapy and other tools can help children of different types of alcoholics achieve a greater chance at a healthier life. If not helped, many children of alcoholics go on to become alcoholics themselves. There is over a 50% chance that the genes that encourage alcohol addiction are passed on from a biological parent. Being functional doesn’t mean that your addiction isn’t affecting your children or other family members.

5 types of alcoholics

However, identifying similarities can help people identify what kind of alcoholic they are. In this blog article, we cover the different types of alcoholics and how they can seek help to stay sober. Addiction treatment programs can tailor their approaches and interventions to the specific characteristics and challenges of each type of alcoholic. “Delta alcoholic” is a term used by physiologist Elvin M. Jellinek to describe a person who cannot stop drinking once they start.

Functional Subtype

Unlike other conditions, health professionals will not diagnose an individual with antisocial personality disorder until they reach a certain age. Before then an individual who displays antisocial personality traits is given the label of ‘conduct disorder’. The young adult alcoholic generally develops a dependency and then an addiction sooner than the other subtypes. This doesn’t mean that other subtypes have not had a drink or two before they started drinking regularly. However, the young adult alcoholic becomes clinically dependent and addicted at a younger age. Therapy can be continued in the long term, even after leaving rehab, meaning that it is one of the most effective forms of treatment for all types of alcoholics at any stage of their recovery.

Stages of Alcoholism: When Is It A Problem? – Healthline

Stages of Alcoholism: When Is It A Problem?.

Posted: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 09:08:52 GMT [source]

Cigarette use is common in this subtype, and around one-fifth of the intermediate familial group also struggles with cocaine and marijuana misuse. Unfortunately, only one-fourth seek treatment for alcohol-related problems. Individuals in this group are about 38 years old and initially started drinking around the age of 16. However, for this group, alcohol dependence typically develops at around 29 years old. There are five different types of alcoholics, but the young adult subtype is the most widespread. Dependency on alcohol begins around the age of 20 years when drinking becomes more regular but, the average age for alcohol dependency is 25 years.

Types of Alcoholics: Exploring the Spectrum

About 75% have never been married, 36.5% are still in school, and 54% work full time. Approximately 22% have a first- or second-degree family member who is also dependent on alcohol. Compared to other types of alcoholics, young adults are less likely to have psychiatric disorders or legal problems.

5 types of alcoholics

Private healthcare providers and specialty treatment programs may offer tailored services to those struggling with this subtype. Research suggests that individuals in the Young Antisocial subtype tend to have a family history of alcoholism and a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. This subtype is more common in men and is characterized by a more stable life than the Young Adult and Young Antisocial Subtypes. Individuals with the Intermediate Familial Subtype often have stable relationships and hold steady jobs, but they still struggle with AUD.

Thus, Dionysian subtypes of alcoholics are characterized by early onset, more severe symptomatology, greater psychological vulnerability, and more personality disturbance. It is determined that roughly 31.5% of alcoholics fall into the category of young adults, which is the largest single group. This group tends to begin drinking at an early age (around 19) and also develops an alcohol dependence early (around 24).

  • Periodic inebriety often takes the form of temporary insanity, in which the drinker’s behavior is characterized by mania, violence, or impulsive criminal behavior.
  • Still, people dealing with AUD can achieve and maintain sobriety with appropriate treatment and support.
  • Speaking about the moderate levels of alcohol intake, drinking alone from time to time cannot serve as the sign of alcoholism.
  • More than a quarter have sought help for their drinking at some point through self-help groups, treatment programs, alcohol detox programs and health care providers.
  • Additional alcohol research information and publications are available at
  • Private healthcare providers and specialty treatment programs may offer tailored services to those struggling with this subtype.
  • Understanding the language used in the study is important for understanding the differences between each group.

Treatment may involve a combination of medical interventions, counseling, support groups, behavioral therapies, and addressing co-occurring disorders. Often, functional alcoholics have a family history going back several generations of alcohol abuse. One-fourth of functional alcoholics have had at least one major depressive illness episode in their life. Someone with functional alcoholism can suffer from another mental health disorder besides a major depressive illness. When it comes to types of alcoholics, there are many factors to consider to choose the best alcohol addiction treatment. Categorization of alcohol dependency enabled consideration of those who were type 1 alcoholic, or, social triggers as well as alcoholic personality types.

You can also get help for yourself by attending groups like Al-Anon and Codependents Anonymous, where you can get support, learn more about the disease of alcoholism, and learn ways to create healthy boundaries for yourself and your family. Dealing with a family member’s addiction can be overwhelming and stressful. One way to take action is to regularly have informal talks about your loved one’s drinking. Discuss your family member’s alcohol use openly and bring up the idea of treatment. If you or a loved one is ready to overcome an alcohol addiction, reach out today.

Healthcare specialists know that alcoholism can affect people differently for a range of reasons. Studies like this one help expand the ways we can approach alcoholism to help those in need the most effectively. If no two people are alike, then no 15 million people can possibly be alike either. These new types help scientists and healthcare specialists create more appropriate prescriptions to treat this deadly disease.